呵呵,楼主好心,但是担心是多余的啦!' h/ }" \: k& \: h9 p4 k
我家猫猫的兽医告诉我NZ是一个没有RABIES(狂犬病)的国家 ; w) M" R- b- L q MThe invariably fatal disease rabies has never occurred in New Zealand primarily because of strong import and quarantine policies regulating the importation of dogs, the major carrier likely to bring it in. The Ministry of Agriculture has been assessing which of these policies are needed to ensure that risk levels are kept at a suitably low level. ' d6 U1 f' l& Q! E. ?% F6 H这里大部分洋人从怀孕到生孩子都是一屋子的猫猫狗狗 # g2 Y7 I1 o$ O所以楼主不用担心啦!绝对没有任何影响的啦!作者: kelly1 时间: 2009-9-9 17:30:08