just change 我家的钥匙还有公司的swipe card...ect作者: dotaallstar 时间: 2009-8-31 16:33:46
go to rotorua get car key and slap her.
or record all the conversation and call police, tell police she threaten you and make it very serious.作者: NECN8 时间: 2009-8-31 16:42:10
楼主怎么像个娘们似的在这里鸡鸡歪歪,胆子小的去警察局报备,换掉家里钥匙,给那个毛利B打电话叫它GO TO HELL
胆子大杀去ROTORUA,泡温泉外带抽那个毛利B顺便拿回钥匙。作者: sunmarty 时间: 2009-8-31 16:43:43
楼主你就装作淡定一点,跟她说“its ok, i got spare keys and the swipe card requires password so i will just tell my boss to change the code. ”
报警的话我估计没啥用。不过你可以吓她"I've already told the police about everything, I don't think it would be hard to find where you are since you are the owner of the car and they should be able to get all your personal details."