
标题: 抗议毛利电视台为新疆恐怖分离分子代言 [代发活动号召贴] [打印本页]

作者: nanl    时间: 2009-8-18 00:47:54     标题: 抗议毛利电视台为新疆恐怖分离分子代言 [代发活动号召贴]


为抗议毛利电视台(Maori Television)播放新疆七.事件幕后主谋热比娅鼓动恐怖分裂活动言论的电视节目,特组织以下抗议活动:

时间              八月二十一日,星期五 12:30pm
地点              新西兰国会大厦前广场
Corner of Molesworth Street and Lambton Quay,Wellington.
目的              新西兰政府作为毛利电视台的实际持有者应止电视 台宣扬分裂恐怖主义。

毛利电视台计划将于九月一日播放歪曲事实美化恐怖分裂分子热比娅的电影 "The 10 conditions of Love" 并将于八月十七日播放毛利电视台采访热比娅的电视片。

在采访中,热比娅鼓动新西兰毛利人应该像东突分子学习,鼓励毛利族从新西兰主体分离出去。这是明目张胆的鼓动分裂。这样的言论也公然违反了The Treaty of Waitangi。我们坚决反对热比娅分裂中国的行径更不愿看到新疆的七.五惨剧在新西兰发生。




http://bsa.govt.nz/pdfs/Complaint-guide-Chinese.pdf  新西兰的广播电视局投诉指南(中文版)

组织联系人: 李芊
021 1328011
作者: nanl    时间: 2009-8-18 00:51:51

Dr Pita Sharples

Minister of Maori Affairs


Dear Dr Sharples,

I am writing to inform you of my intentions to protest Maori Television’s planned broadcast of Rebiya Kadeer’s hagiography “The 10 Conditions of Love” and an exclusive interview with Kadeer on the current events programme “Native Affairs”

Our planned protest will occur on Friday 21 August at 12:30pm on Parliament grounds. We seek an audience with you; the Minister of Maori Affairs and the Minister of Finance as representatives of The Crown, a key stakeholder in Maori Television.

In broadcasting Kadeer’s documentary and interview Maori Television is effectively providing a mass media platform for terrorist and separatist ideals. Not only is this occurring but Maori Television makes no attempt to put Kadeer’s film in context of the current situation in XinJiang, China, where Kadeer has instigated violent riots in her attempts to create her East Turkistan nation.

I am sure the minister is aware of the recent violence that took place in the capital city of the XinJiang Autonomous region, Urumqi. Where on 5 July around a thousand Uyghur rioters took to the streets of Urumqi with clubs and knives and committed racially inspired attacks on local people of the Han ethnic group. In less than a day of violence, 197 people were killed. Thousands were injured and many are still in serious medical conditions. These rioters moved in an organised fashion, attacking at the same time in four distinct parts of Urumqi, leaving behind them a trail of destruction and death. Rebiya Kadeer is believed to be the main instigator of this tragic event.

Maori Television’s broadcast will be in breach of the The New Zealand Broadcasting Standards Authority, which stipulates in Standard 4 and Standard 5 of its “Free to air TV code”:

When discussing controversial issues of public importance in news, current affairs or factual programmes, broadcasters should make reasonable efforts, or give reasonable opportunities, to present significant points of view either in the same programme or in other programmes within the period of current interest.


Broadcasters should make reasonable efforts to ensure that news, current affairs and factual programming:

    * is accurate in relation to all material points of fact and/or
    * does not mislead.

Formal complaints have been submitted to Maori Television and will be submitted to the Broadcasting Standards Authority after the screening of Kadeer’s exclusive interview and her film.

Rebiya Kadeer’s organisation the World Urghur Congress lays claim to a nation they call “East Turkistan” which would encompass the whole of XinJiang Autonomous region. Her movement is, and will continue to cause violence, ethnic tensions and economic chaos in central Asia.

Xin Jiang is a beautiful and culturally diverse region that is 1/6 the territorial mass of China. It is home to around 40 different cultures and ethnicities and was once a vital part of the “Silk Road”. We recognise the existence of ethnic tensions in this diverse land. Currently, Uyghur people represent 45% of the population, Han people represent 40% of the population and 15% of the population belong to a whole host of other ethnicities including Kazakh and Hui. But Kadeer’s methods of separation, violence and terror are not a means to solve any of these problems. By providing Rebiya Kadeer a mass media platform Maori Television will be misleading viewers and the public whilst ignoring the bloodshed that recently occurred in Urumqi.

New Zealand is also a multicultural society encompassing many cultures and people of many different ethnic back grounds. In a recent press release by Maori Television, Kadeer stated:

“If there was a message she thought Maori could learn from the Uyghur situation, it was the need to fight for independence and autonomy” (http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/CU0908/S00229.htm)

These comments and others in the Australian media are blatant attacks on ethnic harmony in New Zealand and our founding document the Treaty of Waitangi. We do not wish to see a repeat of the Urumqi violence on New Zealand streets.


Lily Li


021 132 8011


作者: Coral    时间: 2009-8-18 00:55:44

作者: sxd    时间: 2009-8-18 01:43:33

作者: outlaw    时间: 2009-8-18 01:44:27

作者: 潇宇    时间: 2009-8-18 02:03:24

算我一个~~ 哥们去定了~~ 老板不准~~哥们辞职也要去~~
作者: mIss~cOyOtE    时间: 2009-8-18 11:47:10

作者: 黄渐飞    时间: 2009-8-18 12:02:39

这个要支持,要不就别去,去的话就几个人就难看了,统计个大概人数吧。。。上班的在附近的,牺牲个lunch break去壮壮声势。。。
作者: 潇宇    时间: 2009-8-18 12:21:30

我觉得要去就应该去毛利电视台办公室楼下,国会门前抗议的太多了见怪不怪~~ 去电视台楼下,他们一定紧张,市民一定看的见,效果一定更好。


[ 本帖最后由 潇宇 于 2009-8-18 11:25 编辑 ]
作者: nokiae90    时间: 2009-8-18 15:41:58

这好像是在帮助毛利电视台做宣传,本来就没什么人看毛利电视,现在大家都知道了。我们公司很多人已经准备在9月1号看这个节目。这正是毛利电视台的目的,提高收视率。建议可以制作一部揭露新疆7.5事件真相的视频宣传片,游行示威的目的也应该是向新西兰人揭露真相,比较容易得到他们的支持, 让这些僵毒在新西兰没有市场。
作者: hunter008    时间: 2009-8-18 17:48:39

作者: 爱在深秋    时间: 2009-8-18 18:29:41

作者: wml    时间: 2009-8-18 18:55:14

作者: 遇见幸福    时间: 2009-8-18 21:11:40

作者: 登陆名    时间: 2009-8-18 23:46:51

原帖由 nokiae90 于 2009-8-18 14:41 发表
这好像是在帮助毛利电视台做宣传,本来就没什么人看毛利电视,现在大家都知道了。我们公司很多人已经准备在9月1号看这个节目。这正是毛利电视台的目的,提高收视率。建议可以制作一部揭露新疆7.5事件真相的视频宣传片 ...

我也这么觉得~~~  要不然谁看那个台阿........你抗议了, 记者采访了, one news, 3 news 播了。 那 它更是要播这部片子了。变相广告阿 !不利用,白不利用阿。

真相的宣传片才是最总要, 光抗议时没有意义de
作者: 念念    时间: 2009-8-19 00:00:23

作者: 传说    时间: 2009-8-19 00:05:39

说多说不如去做~ 什么做广告之类~~该去就去~~ 算我一个
作者: (-)(-)    时间: 2009-8-19 00:22:10

原帖由 nokiae90 于 2009-8-18 14:41 发表
这好像是在帮助毛利电视台做宣传,本来就没什么人看毛利电视,现在大家都知道了。我们公司很多人已经准备在9月1号看这个节目。这正是毛利电视台的目的,提高收视率。建议可以制作一部揭露新疆7.5事件真相的视频宣传片,游行示威的目的也应该是向新西兰人揭露真相,比较容易得到他们的支持, 让这些僵毒在新西兰没有市场。

新西兰是个言论自由的国家. 毛利口头上大喊要分裂, 要建国并不犯法. 所以毛利台放这片也无可厚非.

重要的是我们要让新西兰人看到 BOTH SIDES OF THE STORY.  制作一部揭露新疆7.5事件真相的记录片是个很好的方法. 这样对比才能令人信服东突的确是在搞恐怖暴力和说慌.
作者: 标准    时间: 2009-8-19 14:10:32

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: Miss糖果    时间: 2009-8-19 23:15:19

作者: loveactually    时间: 2009-8-20 00:47:03



作者: 白猪    时间: 2009-8-20 11:22:11

作者: nanl    时间: 2009-8-20 13:20:04

Standard conditions for use of Parliament grounds:

. participants must assemble within and disperse from the grounds in an

   orderly manner, and so as to not interfere with the flow of vehicular


. participants must not mount the main steps nor interfere with the use of

   Parliament Buildings by those entering or leaving in the normal course of

   their business;

. sound amplification may be used, but never from the main steps of

    Parliament Buildings, without express permission. It must always

    be directed away from the building, and must not be operated in a

    manner disruptive to occupants of the buildings;

. no erection of tents or any structure is permitted other than hand held signs.

. no food may be prepared or sold within Parliament Grounds, but there is no

    restriction on people consuming food that they may have brought with


. if there are any clean up/repairs to damage costs associated with this

   approval, you/your organisation will be sent an invoice for payment

   associated with these costs.

We are going to all gather under the Seddon statue at Parliament at 12:30pm.
作者: ceci-bi    时间: 2009-8-20 13:37:28

作者: nanl    时间: 2009-8-20 17:48:15

作者: xiaolingtong    时间: 2009-8-20 18:12:49

作者: gannm    时间: 2009-8-21 21:33:12

作者: xuvera    时间: 2009-8-21 22:16:39

关心,今天怎么样?好像radio nz早间节目也要采访组织者
作者: 潇宇    时间: 2009-8-22 00:11:04

作者: 标准    时间: 2009-8-25 22:23:55

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: loveactually    时间: 2009-8-26 13:41:55

作者: (-)(-)    时间: 2009-9-1 19:38:41


毛利台   8。30PM

投诉和抗议就是为了今天。  看看人家招摇撞骗的记录片为甚么那么多人想看, 中国自己的记录片就没人想看。
作者: henry3280    时间: 2009-9-1 20:13:59

作者: hakaren    时间: 2009-9-1 23:32:03



MY FLG  “搞言论自由你们搞不过我,搞革命你们搞不过坦克车”
作者: 自由之子    时间: 2009-9-2 13:27:52


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