Play School Subsidy - 你能得到的福利- 父母全天工作,孩子给奶奶姥姥照顾
从准备怀孕到宝宝1岁多了,工作不忙的时候,Sky宝宝论坛是每天必到的地方。在 Treasures Forum 上闲逛的时候,看到有个妈妈说什么 grandma looking after the baby, get paid…
正好这和我们家的情况符合。抱着试试看的想法就去phone and 问了问。结果如下,希望对妈妈们有帮助。
Regardless of your income you will receive the $1 per hour towards your childcare from Playschool. This is non income tested and will not affect your families tax credit or your mums income situation as it is not considered payemnt for chilkdcare, rather a contribution towards learning expenses.
There is no age requirement for your child. The programme is for children from birth to 5 years, we offer the $1 per hour subsidy plus as all of our other learning and educational benefits also. The good news is when your child turns 3 the subsidy we pay you increases from $1 per hour to $4.50 per hour (for 20 hours).作者: 土豆小精灵 时间: 2009-8-13 13:07:14