
标题: 顾家北学业交流贴_(最近更新, Current issues assignment 2, ethics essay tutorial) [打印本页]

作者: 顾家北    时间: 2009-8-5 08:49:53     标题: 顾家北学业交流贴_(最近更新, Current issues assignment 2, ethics essay tutorial)

本帖最后由 顾家北 于 2010-5-18 21:42 编辑

这一阵有一些朋友在QQ上问我一些学业问题, 我发现他们问的问题比较一致, 对AUT学业和作业缺乏一些基本的认识, 所以在这里开个贴, 希望有一个和AUT朋友交流的空间, 并形成好的学业交流传统, 对以后的AUT新生也有帮助, 寻找信息相对也容易点.

以后我也整理有关大学学业的文章, 放在这个贴里.

为了保护已经参加培训的同学的利益, 我在回答作业相关问题的时候, 可能会比较简略, 不如人意之处, 还望原谅.

for anybody who posts questions here, please follow the format:

paper name:

so i can give an answer promptly.

this is an example

Question: what does free market and government intervention mean?
Paper: globalisation

My answer might appear in this manner:

free market means that the government would not implement any policy or take any action to affect how a market functions or performs.

government intervention is basically an antonym of free market, which means that the government can use different methods (such as government spending, taxation, new laws, and so forth) to intervene in the economy.

you need to find an article which shows that the government has either followed free market ideology or disobeyed it (i.e., choosing to intervene in the market).

[ 本帖最后由 顾家北 于 2009-9-3 10:24 编辑 ]
作者: 顾家北    时间: 2009-8-5 18:59:44


1,        理解相关的概念。
很多同学做作业完全被RESEARCH左右,东抄西抄,抄到面目全非,抄到连基本的概念都忘记阐述。好的作业,应该在作业的开始部分,将讨论的主要概念阐述清楚,这样确保作业不至于离题。下面用Massey University的157.340做个例子。
Discuss and analyse how intellectual capital might affect the implementation and management of organizational KM and wider organizational structural and processes.

这道题目的重点是在讨论"intellectual capital",学生因此需要查书, 上课的notes, 还有做research,来确定"intellectual capital"的含义,而不是急着把任何关于"intellectual capital"的资料往作业里放。 

2,        紧扣课程内容。

虽然大部分的essays都要求学生做RESEARCH,但是RESEARCH的内容纯粹是枝叶,作业的主干是基本的理论。在这方面,Massey和AUT的老师非常厚道,将上课的主要内容都写在了Class notes上面,一目了然。学生只要找到相关章节,就可以获得有用的观点。相比之下,奥大的老师内心比较黑暗,Class notes总是做得过分简单,非要逼着学生把一章书啃完,慢慢琢磨重点。下面用Massey University的114.241做个例子。
Discuss and explain the function of effective selection in relation to organisational success
这道题目的重点是在讨论"effective selection",翻开老师的slides, 不难发现在Human resources专门有一章关于Selection,只要把Selection相关的功能和作用分析, 详细阐述,就是一篇完整的文章,根本不需要将一本厚厚的书读懂。

3,        理解题目的重点。

Essay的题目一般都会给出一个可以讨论的话题。写好这类ESSAY的第一步,就是理解题目,清楚题目的重心和课本上所属章节。很多同学没有读懂题目,把任何看上去差不多的内容,一股脑儿扔在作业上,这样不会给作业带来任何的分数,反而引起老师的反感。下面用Massey University的152.700做个例子.

Discuss the consequences to management practice of the recent trend to flatten hierarchies in organisations.

这句话的语法结构相对来说比较复杂, 题目讨论的中心在于"flatten hierarchies"对管理产生的影响。 很多同学如果写"flatten hierarchies"的优点和缺点,就完全偏题,零分都有可能。

4,        使用相关的例子。

  Essay得高分的一个关键是实例的使用。枯燥的陈述理论不仅让作业看上去很空洞,而且让老师感觉学生并不真正懂得这些理论的道理。况且很多学生的语言能力不是很好,搬用的资料七拼八凑的放在一篇文章里,前言不搭后语,老师最多就给个同情分。解决这个问题的最好方法,就是使用一些世界闻名企业或者新西兰企业的例子,将一些理论和观点进行阐述。有时候,这些例子可能未必真的有关连,但是只要使用,就会增加作业的魅力,让老师眼前一亮,大大提高分数。下面用 Massey University的152.300做个例子。

Describe the potential advantages and disadvantages of global expansion. Are the pros and cons the same for small firms as they are for large ones? Are they the same for firms headquartered in developed and developing countries? Are they the same for service firms and manufacturers? Justify your response with reference to relevant concepts and debate from authors of journals and texts on the subject.  

写这个essay,给了我们很多机会去讨论新西兰和国际的一些大企业怎么扩张, 遇到的问题和挑战, 获得的利益和优惠.新西兰的Fonterra, 美国的Starbucks, 中国的海尔等,都可以作为例子。旁征博引的文章,老师必定是喜欢的。
我们的作业培训,会根据不同的作业题目,建议学生使用什么样的企业作为例子。事实上, 当学生熟悉了这些企业后, 他们在很多科目的作业里, 都可以使用类似的例子.大学作业其实就是看上去困难, 但是如果掌握了一定技巧,做起来就得心应手.  

5,        清晰明了。

和会计、金融的作业相比,大学老师比较害怕批改essay,毕竟批改起来比较费时。特别是很多学生的语言能力不好,修改起来更是味同嚼蜡。如何在一大堆让老师痛苦的作业中脱颖而出,观点的清晰和表达的直接是关键。在这个方面, 段落中心句, 段落长度和描述, 甚至加上subheadings, 都是比较有效的方法。以AUT的Globalisation 的Essay为例。
Discuss the impact of a global event on a New Zealand business and wider business society.

在这个Essay里, 学生要讨论经济和社会学的知识. 宏观经济学有很多相关概念, 学生要有效地归纳这些概念, 还要清晰地罗列观点,有效地展示自己的知识, 需要文字上的特殊处理. 
作者: so    时间: 2009-8-5 21:23:52

作者: pavilion    时间: 2009-8-5 23:34:02     标题: 支持楼主!!

只想说一句:人和人的差距咋就那么大呢? 谢谢啦,永远支持你!
作者: 顾家北    时间: 2009-8-7 20:07:56     标题: 如何算抄袭? 

按文章类似程度分成蓝, 绿, 黄,橙,红

一般来说, 常见的抄袭有两种:
一种是在不同的来源找出一些句子, 将它们放在一起, 句子的主要字眼不变, 并且没有注明出处
一种是虽然将句子改写, 也说明了出处, 但是却没有自己的分析, 也被认为是抄袭

很多学生以为整个文章布满INTEXT REFERENCES,就是好文章, 未必. 老师即便没有证据证明你是抄袭, 也不会给好的分数.

事实上, 所谓避免TURNITIN, 巧用资源写自己的文章, 不是一个难事.
很多同学费劲心机,到处找资料,捏在一起, 才是吃力不讨好的累活.
作者: 顾家北    时间: 2009-8-7 22:43:48     标题: 如何写雅思,SAT作文和大学ESSAY的开头句





Leisure is a growing industry. Nowadays, more modern technology is used in entertainment, which may lead people to be less creative. Do you agree or disagree?

开头句范例:The importance of leisure to one’s wellbeing can hardly be exaggerated.



Does progress depend on people with new ideas rather than on people whose ideas are based on the current way of doing things?

开头句范例:More often than not, people are in a dilemma between innovation and tradition.



Identify and examine the drivers of changes (Massey 152.303 Change Management)

开头句范例:How to cope with changes has appeared to be a common issue an organisation has to address in its decision making, especially strategic decision making.




Now people possibly perform everyday tasks such as banking, shopping and business transaction without meeting each other face-to-face.  What are its possible effects on both the individual and the society?

开头句范例:The extensive use of modern technology (such as telecommunications technology) has changed people’s ways of life significantly.



Do people depend on work-whether it is a job, schoolwork or volunteer work- to determine what their daily activities and interactions with others should be?

  开头句范例:People have recently been interested in how work affects their social life.



(AUT 367901: current issues in financial accounting)

Critically analyse a recent (2008 or 2009) corporate social and environmental report.

开头句范例:In recent years, an increasing number of corporations, especially those which operate internationally, have become regular reporters of their social and environmental performance.  




Some academic subjects are useful for children's future careers, while some subjects such as music and sports are not useful. What’s your opinion?

开头句范例:Academic subjects refer to those subjects that have relevance to the development of skills and knowledge in learners’ future careers.



Should schools help students understand moral choices and social issues?

  开头句范例:moral choices require one to make a decision according to ethical principles that are accepted in a specific society.



Analyse the impact of subprime mortgage crisis on New Zealand and recommend strategies to cope with this crisis. (Massey 192.102 Writing)

开头句范例:The subprime mortgage crisis is the crisis which stems from the rapid duation of mortgage-backed securities and the collapse of various financial institutions in the US during 2007 and 2008.


作者: 顾家北    时间: 2009-8-8 15:36:43


1,        Report的读者群比较特定,有时候一个Report的读者就是公司的管理层;Essay的读者群比较广泛。
2,        Report非常强调标题,副标题,以及目录,让读者更加容易阅读信息;而Essay不会有目录,大部分情况下不需要副标题。
3,        Report一般允许作者通过bullet points的形式列举观点,而Essay要求所有的句子完整。



1,        段落过长

2,        Introduction大段背景介绍

3,        Conclusion 出现新信息

4,        Recommendation 信口开河

5,        Executive summary写成introduction
很多reports,特别是商业的reports,最开始的部分是Executive summary。Executive summary的功能是让读者知道整个report的主要内容,也就是整个report的精华概述,包括主体论述部分,结论和建议。在工作当中,一个大公司的CEO有时候没有时间去看完一个大的report,往往就会看看Executive summary,如果内容有价值和有意思,CEO才会继续往下看;否则,就会草草答复。Introduction仅仅是告诉读者report的结构,而读者是不可能知道report的具体内容是什么。

Brainstorming----research-----discussion section-----conclusion-----recommendation-----introduction---executive summary----cover page, table of contents

1,        段落的清晰度

2,        表达的多样性

3,        引用的广泛性

4,        信息的连贯性

5,        思维的独立性
作者: 顾家北    时间: 2009-8-10 13:53:52




1,        学生在不知道主体论述部分写什么内容的情况下,Introduction是不可能很快的完成,因为Introduction经常包含对内容的大致介绍。
2,        Introduction的分重很低,只要简单明了,让老师知道大概的论述方向,就达到了目标和效果。

以前在大学读书,因为工作的原因,经常需要很短的时间去完成essay。譬如说,在一个很难的research essay上,我只用了四个小时。旁边的同学总是以为我是不上进的学生——他们认为,一个好学生,不可能只花四个小时在作业上。最后成绩出来,30分的作业,班上80%的中国学生只拿了9分,而我拿了22分。很多同学,包括KIWI,都来问我怎么写的,因为这是很著名的杀手课。








“天下文章一大抄”。优秀的作业都是抄出来的,如果不抄,就只能用自己的观点去写,后果就是写不出老师需要的内容。随便打开任何作业的要求,不难发现有这么一句话——“you should refer to academic journals, textbooks and other sources for relevant theories”(“你需要参考学术报刊,课本和其他资源获得相关理论”)。仔细阅读这句话,不难发现,大学鼓励学生拾人牙慧。引用和抄袭是同义词。抄得好,就是引用,抄不好,就是抄袭。
因此,“抄”是一门艺术。大家不要以为只有本科生才“抄”,随便打开任何硕士或者博士生的毕业论文,里面都有一个可爱的部分叫“literature review”。这个冠冕堂皇的“review”,就是抄袭前人文章的集中营。既然博士的文章可以上大雅之堂,本科生的文章就绝对不是下三滥,更不可能命丧Turnitin.


   误区八:APA Reference很重要

   很多同学总要花一个钟头检查自己的APA Reference格式,是否斜体,是否漏了句号,等等。APA Reference固然重要;然而,除非明显的错误,否则老师不会眯着眼睛,对照你的Reference是否有丝毫错误。
一,        作业所依赖的参考资料是否和作业相关。
二,        参考资料是否来自学术报刊和书籍。

只要满足这两个要求,APA reference就能让老师心满意足。我们的作业培训,如何提高APA Reference的质量是一个重要的技巧。一个漂亮的APA Reference List,让老师觉得学生付出了莫大的努力,是获得高分的关键。



作者: pavilion    时间: 2009-8-12 00:25:23     标题: 终于更新啦!!!

作者: 顾家北    时间: 2009-8-13 11:11:53

many students have long struggled with C or C-, without knowledge of how to study efficiently and competently.

A good command of learning skills can make education easy, and of course life easy.

imagine that in work, you have to prepare many CVs, reports, memos and emails, you would feel helpless and desperate if without strong support from good research skills, writing skills and a good idea of how to convey your ideas clearly to the audience.
作者: 顾家北    时间: 2009-8-14 12:28:28

for those who have questions about tutorial, please join QQ group: 69471109
作者: 顾家北    时间: 2009-8-15 19:02:36

about MBR's first essay

there are a number of issues you might raise for this assignment
communication skills (active listening)
stereotyping, different perceptions
principled negotiation
organisational culture (in favour of communication)

for each theory, you might discuss the issue and then suggest a solution.
作者: 翊lx    时间: 2009-8-15 21:24:32

作者: 翊lx    时间: 2009-8-15 21:25:55

作者: MINI~    时间: 2009-8-19 07:58:57     标题: 好厉害

作者: MINI~    时间: 2009-8-19 08:01:51     标题: 谢谢帮忙~

谢谢帮忙点拨critical thinking的问题
。。。。 。。。。
下回一定得 注意 了
伤心啊 莉娜
作者: 顾家北    时间: 2009-8-22 00:57:14     标题: BIM's first report

some students might be struggling with answering the question about limitation of the report.

the report requires you to use financial data from previous years, but the economic environment is turbulent. an organisation's financial performance might vary considerably because of the ups and downs of the economy. for this reason, the limitation of the report is that it does not discuss how the changing economic environment has possibly affected the organisations' prosperity. This is the main limitation of the organisation.

in finance and accounting, we are interested in the analysis of financial and non-financial information (quantitative and qualitative information). this report is concerned about the financial aspect. this is another limitation.

[ 本帖最后由 顾家北 于 2009-8-22 00:03 编辑 ]
作者: 顾家北    时间: 2009-8-25 23:03:11     标题: about 466646, employment relation

you should focus on 3 models
unitary model
pluralistic model
radical model

in the last two models, power imbalance between the employer and the employee is recognised and taken as a major factor driving  the discussion about industrial relations.
作者: 女巫的宠物猫    时间: 2009-8-26 14:07:35

作者: 顾家北    时间: 2009-8-29 19:43:08

Assignment tutorial (40 Dollars one hour)
针对每个作业, 辅导内容包括:
审题, 找观点, 寻找相关材料和文章, 写中心句, 如何拓展段落, 关键词的翻译 (每个作业一般辅导1- 1.5小时)
科目: 包括所有商科, 心理学, 幼儿教育,语言学等

Other services:
Proofreading (50 dollars per thousand words)
Exam tutorial (30 dollars per hour)
Grammar tutorial (25 dollars per hour, 30 hours one session)
作者: 顾家北    时间: 2009-8-29 19:44:19

下面是我对于这次ETHICS 期中考试的一点总结, 大家可以体会和学习

Relevant quotes from the speech:
“This planet came with a set of operating instructions, but we seem to have misplaced them. Important rules like don't poison the water, soil, or air, and don't let the earth get overcrowded, and don't touch the thermostat have been broken.”

“you are going to have to figure out what it means to be a human being on earth at a time when every living system is declining, and the rate of decline is accelerating.”

Kantism ethic’s fundamentals:
Point one:
morality must be grounded in a value that gives us a sense of self-worth or dignity. Rationality and the freedom to make moral choices are values that enable us to do this.

Yes, there are temptations to ruin the world and exploit natural resources for our greed. However, following our rationality, we should overcome our emotions (anxious to derive benefits from the natural environment) and exercise our moral duty.

Point two:
moral principles should define actions as right or wrong apart from particular consequences (in contrast to utilitarianism).

Yes, polluting the environment might bring pleasure to many people, such as claiming land for building more dwelling houses for people. However, this is wrong if it is against our moral principles.

Point three:
We should act from duty, so our action has moral worth.

Yes, we do have the duty to protect the planet.

Point four:
Act only according to that maxim by which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.  (categorical imperative)

Yes, duty to protect the planet would not be refuted by any rational human being as a universal law.

Point five:
Act in such a way that you always treat humanity, whether in your own person, or in the person of any other, never simply as a means, but always at the same time as an end (2nd formulation)

Yes, we should not exploit the natural environment, because by exploiting it, we tend to exploit a resource that belongs to everybody (including future generations and those who are not able to exploit the resource or not aware of being exploited) in this planet. This is to use other persons as a means.

In the speech, there is a paragraph:
We have an economy that tells us that it is cheaper to destroy earth in real time than to renew, restore, and sustain it. You can print money to bail out a bank but you can't print life to bail out a planet. At present we are stealing the future, selling it in the present, and calling it gross domestic product. We can just as easily have an economy that is based on healing the future instead of stealing it. We can either create assets for the future or take the assets of the future. One is called restoration and the other exploitation. And whenever we exploit the earth we exploit people and cause untold suffering.

Point six
As rational beings, humans would act inconsistently if they did not treat everyone else the same way they themselves would want to be treated.

Yes, the question is whether we would want to be treated the same way as we treat other people when we exploit the environment (such as polluting water and the water is not usable for other people)?
作者: 翊lx    时间: 2009-8-29 20:59:36


[ 本帖最后由 翊lx 于 2009-8-29 20:00 编辑 ]
作者: 顾家北    时间: 2009-9-1 16:17:29     标题: about 416612

the law assignment is about the pros of limited partnership act.

the following article can give you some general knowledge of the act.

The Limited Partnership Act 2008 ("Act") is an exciting new development in the law.
The Act came into force on May 2, 2008. This firm was the second in New Zealand to register a limited partnership for a client.
What's so exciting about limited partnerships? Limited partnerships are a modern, flexible and internationally recognised business structure.
The limited partnership regime is a hybrid of company law and partnership.
The limited partnership is a separate legal entity (like a company).
The limited partnership will own assets and enter into contracts for goods or services with third parties.
The limited partners (investors) have limited liability. Therefore, if the limited partnership were to fall on hard times and not be able to pay its debts, a creditor could not look to the limited partners.
However, for tax purposes the limited partnership is not treated as a separate legal entity.
It is treated like a partnership. Therefore, the expenses, profits or losses of the limited partnership are those of the limited partners. In other words, the limited partnership regime provides flow through of the losses or non-taxable gains to the limited partners.
This will be hugely beneficial for property investors. No longer will investors need to use a Loss Attributing Qualifying Company to obtain the benefit of losses of the LAQC.
Also, capital can be returned to the investors provided the limited partnership is solvent at the time.
What is needed for a limited partnership? To register a limited partnership you need: wat least one general partner.
wat least one limited partner.
wa written limited partnership agreement, which at a minimum covers the items required by section 10 of the Act.
There are set forms that need to be completed and submitted to the Companies Office. On registration the limited partnership is formed. It will exit until it is deregistered.
General Partner: wThe management and control of the limited partnership rests with the general partner (like a company's directors). Therefore, if you wish to do business with a limited partnership you must determine who the general partner is and only deal with that person. You can do this by searching the limited partnership register with the Companies Office.
Limited Partners are not to be involved in the management of the limited partnership. If they do, they risk becoming liable for any losses suffered by a third party who has been dealing with a limited partner.
Limited Partners: wThe identity of the limited partners is confidential. However, their identity must be provided to the Companies Office on registration.
Their identity is not available when searching the Limited Partnership Register. Nor can this information be obtained using an Official Information Act request.
The limited partnership regime has distinct advantages over companies and partnerships for investments where: wlosses are expected early on.
investments are likely to experience capital gains. centralised or specialised management is required and the start-up running costs are high.
I believe limited partnerships will be widely used and become as common as companies.
My next article will provide further information on how to structure your limited partnership.
Doreen Evans is a partner at Preston Russell Law.
作者: 顾家北    时间: 2009-9-2 12:07:15

Relevant quotes from the speech:

No one knows how many groups and organizations are working on the most salient issues of our day: climate change, poverty, deforestation, peace, water, hunger, conservation, human rights, and more. This is the largest movement the world has ever seen.
We have an economy that tells us that it is cheaper to destroy earth in real time than to renew, restore, and sustain it. You can print money to bail out a bank but you can't print life to bail out a planet. At present we are stealing the future, selling it in the present, and calling it gross domestic product. We can just as easily have an economy that is based on healing the future instead of stealing it. We can either create assets for the future or take the assets of the future.
We have tens of thousands of abandoned homes without people and tens of thousands of abandoned people without homes.
Point one:
The right action is the one that will likely produce the greatest amount of happiness for all concerned than any other alternative. (this is the point central to utilitarianism. If you don’t understand this, you deserve to fail.)
Ok, the question raised by protecting environment is whether this course of action is to give the greatest amount of happiness for all concerned than any other alternative. As shown in this speech, it is clear that this action is ethical, because it has attracted support from an increasing number of people worldwide. In the past, people might destroy the environment in order to get GDP, but now people who are worried about the long-term impact of a degrading environment have appeared to outnumber those who are not sensitive to this issue.
Point two:
The right action deals with particular acts in their context

That’s where Kantism and utilitarianism crashes. Kantism advocates one’s moral duty regardless of contexts, while utilitarianism suggests that contexts can justify one’s actions. What if one chops down a tree to collect wood so his family can keep warm and survive a long winter? Yes, cutting trees is not ethical, but it might be ethical in that context. Use this example to get some insights into utilitarianism, although nowhere in the speech can you find information about a context that justifies any action to destroy the planet.

Point three:
Utilitarianism treats everyone equally
Everyone here means everyone at present and everyone in future. Everyone here means everyone in developed countries and everyone in developing countries. The environment has been destroyed by some people in their own interests while at the expense of other people. Many people get wealthy in this world by exploiting other people. It appears that some people’s pleasure is far more important than other people’s pleasure. Once everybody’s pleasure is considered, we might conclude that many people’s interest has been ignored when we destroy the environment for our own pleasure.

Point four:
Utilitarianism is concerned about long-term consequences as well as short-term consequences.

As indicated in the speech, “At present we are stealing the future, selling it in the present, and calling it gross domestic product. We can just as easily have an economy that is based on healing the future instead of stealing it”, we have too often been chasing immediate pleasure, such as a faster car, a warmer home, more durables, but this pleasure comes at the cost of environment.

Point five:
The problem of utilitarianism is that sometimes it allows trivial pleasures to outweigh serious pains.
Ok, if utilitarianism does allow us to destroy the environment in exchange for better standards of living, this pleasure is trivial compared to the pains, such as abnormal climate, global warming, barren lands, and so forth.

Note: there are some other points fundamental to utilitarianism, please check class notes to find them out. This list of points is not exhaustive.
作者: 顾家北    时间: 2009-9-3 11:23:27

Virtue ethics
Relevant quotes from the speech:
If you look at the science about what is happening on earth and aren't pessimistic, you don't understand data. But if you meet the people who are working to restore this earth and the lives of the poor, and you aren't optimistic, you haven't got a pulse. What I see everywhere in the world are ordinary people willing to confront despair, power, and incalculable odds in order to restore some semblance of grace, justice, and beauty to this world. The poet Adrienne Rich wrote, "So much has been destroyed I have cast my lot with those who, age after age, perversely, with no extraordinary power, reconstitute the world."
It is called the world of non-profits, civil society, schools, social entrepreneurship, and non-governmental organizations, of companies who place social and environmental justice at the top of their strategic goals.

Point one:
All human beings are rational, and they should recognize virtue as the proper goal to end, if they follow their reason.

Throughout the whole speech, the speaker tends to stress that everybody in this planet should respect life and should be aware that life is a miracle and the planet is precious, and we, rational people, should recognise the value of thinking, reason and rationality. Because of these, we should recognise virtues such as justice and caring about others (compassion). We abandon injustice and exploitation because we are rational people who can reason.

Point two:
The life of virtue is also known as Eudaimonia (‘happiness’). This way of living leads to fulfilment and flourishing
It is interesting to observe that many not-for-profit organisations, charities and volunteers have been pursuing a specific course of action without asking for pay (as shown in the speech). This is a good example of the feeling of fulfilment. One’s life does not have to be wealthy or powerful before the happiness (Eudaimonia) is obtained. The life of virtue (exercising compassion and showing justice) can give a sense of happiness as well.

Point three:
Acting according to reason means training our feelings to conform to reason
The goal is to “have those feelings at the right times on the right grounds towards the right people for the right motive and in the right way..”

Kantism is similar to virtue ethics as both emphasise “reason” and “rationality”. The difference between these philosophical propositions is that Kantism considers feelings and emotions a counterforce that prevents us from fulfilling our moral duties, but virtue ethics accepts emotions and feelings as something right to guide our actions.
There are a countless number of organizations and individuals involved in the campaign to protect the planet. The positive feelings gained from this occur at the right times on the right grounds toward the right people for the right motive and in the right way.

It is not rational to consider this action as unethical according to virtue ethics.

Point four:
a person’s character by their free actions in pursuit of the rational end. Virtues can be acquired and augmented  by the repetition of acts.

One can choose how to protect the planet and what to do to achieve this aim. Some people might choose to plant trees, and some people might choose to protect trees. Or some people might choose to cut trees, because old trees can compete for soil, water and nutrition with young trees! Whatever action one takes, it is the will and motive behind the person that determine the ethics of his/her action. The selection of acts and the repetition of acts show people’s virtues and ethical values.

Point five:
Moral education and development is a major part of virtue ethics. Moral development relies on the availability of good role models.

As it is clear in the speech, those charitable organizations and individual volunteers are good role models. As they act consistently, we can habituate ourselves in the right action. We understand what to do to qualify us as virtuous people.

Please read the reading pact (especially those lines in bold). The article summarises main points of virtue ethics.
作者: 顾家北    时间: 2009-9-3 11:25:13

Assignment tutorial (40 Dollars one hour)
针对每个作业, 辅导内容包括:
审题, 找观点, 寻找相关材料和文章, 写中心句, 如何拓展段落, 关键词的翻译 (每个作业一般辅导1- 1.5小时)
科目: 包括所有商科, 心理学, 幼儿教育,语言学等

Other services:
Proofreading (50 dollars per thousand words)
Exam tutorial (30 dollars per hour)
Grammar tutorial (25 dollars per hour, 30 hours one session)
作者: 顾家北    时间: 2009-9-3 11:26:30

顾家北, 资深语法和写作培训专家, <<新东方英语>>撰稿人, 从事TOEFL, SAT 和GMAT的语法教学多年, 语法教学强调 “去繁从简, 快学快会”的原则; 长期辅导纽, 澳, 英大学生科目学习, 帮助学生提高大学作业技巧, 科目涉及商科, 教育学, 语言学, 心理学, 伦理学, 社会学等.
个人出版书籍及发表文章: <<雅思写作套路剖析与范例大全>>,  <<从雅思作文评分标准看中国考生的常见错误>>等
拟出版书籍: <<读真题背单词>>
作者: lover886    时间: 2009-9-3 17:02:41     标题: 我想杀人了

我现在快看到傻了,乍办呢~~~~~~~~  嗨~~~~~~!还真的不知道乍办了。
既然来了就帮你顶顶吧!不过你要 我啊! 人生的感受如此~!!  听天由命了。
作者: jason.zheng    时间: 2009-9-3 20:52:59

作者: lover886    时间: 2009-9-4 21:59:34     标题: 不要说我不踩你,真的很想踩你!


作者: 蹦级之神    时间: 2009-9-23 03:20:55

请问顾老师有没有416610marketing law   2500字的assignment的讲解呢,,,
作者: 顾家北    时间: 2009-11-19 22:19:40

书面表达和口语表达的一个主要的不同之处在于书面表达需要灵活和多变。在口语表达中, 很多时候重复地使用某个单词或者说法可能并无不妥; 反观书面表达, 同一个意思需要在文章中用不同的方式表达出来, 这样才可能展示一个人好的语言功底。书面表达的多样化主要可以使用以下三种方法。

方法1: 使用近义词。


例1:  Poverty is endangering tens of thousands of lives in underdeveloped countries.


Poverty is threatening tens of thousands of lives in underdeveloped countries.

例2: Education is regarded as an important factor contributing to personal success.


Education is perceived as an important factor contributing to personal success.

方法2: 使用一个单词的衍生词。


例1:  Computer technology allows us to work efficiently.


Computer technology improves our work efficiency.

Computer technology makes our work more efficient.

例2: Parenting is important to children’s wellbeing.


Parenting is of vital importance to children’s wellbeing.

The importance of parenting to children’s wellbeing is indisputable.

方法3: 通过句子结构的变化。


例1:  Many people have attributed the rise in violent crime to the increased media coverage of violence.

这句话的句子结构是用了一个词组”attribute…to…”。在搞清楚这个句子的逻辑关系后, 就可以改变句子结构和使用近义词来变化表达的方式。

Increased media coverage of violence has been cited by many people as the reason why violent crime has been on the rise.

People have realised that there is a causal relationship between media coverage of violence and real-world violence.

例2:  In a multicultural society, any visitor will receive hospitality regardless of race and ethnicity.

这句话的主要意思就是多元文化对任何新成员都很友好; 这句话仿佛没有给我们很多改写的空间。然而, 如果你熟悉语法, 这句话又可以改头换面。

A multicultural society greets any new member with hospitality regardless of race and ethnicity.

A prominent trait of a multicultural society is the tremendous hospitality it offers to every new member, regardless of race and ethnicity.

通过上面的例子, 我们可以看到, 熟悉语法和近义词是丰富表达方法的基础。很多雅思学生依赖生硬的套句, 主要原因是因为他们不懂得语法结构, 所以不能够将句子改变, 使其成为自己个人的表达。在大学作业中, 很多学生面对2000-3000字的作业感到无从下手, 主要也是因为他们不懂得怎么将书本的内容巧妙地改写。在我的书中, 每篇文章下面都总结了同义词。这事实上只是丰富表达方法走出的第一步。在我的作文培训中, 句子结构是基础, 也是我第一周培训的主要内容。没有这个基础, 不可能写合格的文章, 更不可能写优秀的文章。如果英文学习还停留在死背套句上, 留学是很痛苦的过程。
作者: 顾家北    时间: 2009-12-28 10:11:40

写大学作业的时候, Proofreading很重要的, 然而, Proofreading不仅仅是修改语法, 因为事实上, 大学老师很多时候对语法错误还是可以容忍的, 特别是本科学生, Proofreading主要包括以下一些内容:

1, 修改观点, 检查观点是否符合题目的要求, 特别是修改段落的中心句, 使其和题目相符,
2, 修改段落里的句子逻辑, 很多同学写作业的时候都是东拼西凑写成的, 因此句子中间缺乏连贯性, 老师一看就知道你是抄来的观点, 就会给很差的分数, 在这种情况下, 学生要用自己的语言, 在句子当中加一些过渡的话, 甚至加上自己对观点的理解, 补充一些例子, 这样就可以获得很好的分数,

当然, 如果你要获得很好的分数, 修改语法也很重要, 一篇没有语法错误, 句式变化比较多, 词汇使用比较灵活的作业, 给老师感觉你是一个有很好学术背景的人, 这样的作业往往能够得到好的分数.

如果学生没有很好的语法基础, 那么就多用简单的句子. 事实上, 只要意思表达清楚, 就可以保证及格了.

Proofreading非常重要, 很多学生花一个多星期写作业, 但是却没有花任何时间去做Proofreading, 所以最后成绩还是很差.

只有英文水平非常高的人, 才能够做到出手就能完成高质量的作业, 而不需要Proofreading. 这样的人是很少的.

现在很多学生都花钱去找人代写, 其实很多代写作业的人本身的英文水平就很一般, 读书的时候也是勉强通过, 或者靠着运气拿过一两次A, 他们根本不足以保证作业的质量和成绩.

因此, 我觉得学生自己写作业, 然后找人做PROOFREADING更为经济和实惠.
作者: 顾家北    时间: 2010-3-31 22:58:21

很多同学写作业不知道怎么去找JOUARNAL ARTICLES.

本人写作业, 一般常用的是EMERALD, 里面有很多JOUARNAL ARTICLES. 读到大学三年级后, ESSAY和REPORT的要求增加, 老师非常看重你REFERENCES的质量, 多在EMERALD里找文章, 分数会提高

新西兰本地的报纸和杂志, 可以去NZTEXT

商业杂志, 可以去ABI/INFORM Global (ProQuest)

有时候我会使用GOOGLE SCHOLAR或者GOOGLE BOOK, 去补充不同学科的基本知识, 快而简便.

懂得使用这四个资源, 硕士都够用了.
作者: 顾家北    时间: 2010-4-4 10:53:47

我昨天看了一下我的TIMETABLE, 发现星期四下午我是要工作的, 可能要将WORKSHOP提早一点, 但是考虑到DUE DATE已经快到了, 所以我这几天会每天写点ETHICS作业的要领, 和这门课的一些理论. 这样也方便以后读ETHICS的同学查阅.

ETHICS是我自己最喜欢的一门课, 因为它比较系统地总结了历史上几个著名社会学家和哲学家对ETHICS的理解. 这门课的目的是要大家了解这些著名学者的观点和理论, 用于日常道德判断.

我从2004年开始辅导AUT学生ETHICS, 这些年来, ETHICS基本上没有很大的改变, 一般来说, 就是第一个作业是个ESSAY; 上个学期, AUT变成第二个作业是个ESSAY. 我先从目前的ESSAY开始说起, 以后有时间, 再说说第二个作业怎么写.

写这门课的ESSAY要注意三点, 如果你想拿高分.
1, 注意理解理论的实质, 不要光是把理论抄上去(这是大部分学生FAIL的原因),
2, 注意讨论, 怎么将理论应用于你自己选的CASE,
3, 注意语法和表达. 否则再好的理论, 分数也不会很高,最多就是B

第一个作业要讨论的理论是utilitarianism, kantism and virtue ethics, 但是重点是前面两个理论. 事实上,我们生活大部分的道德决定, 都是体现在utilitarianism和kantism这两个理论, 他们是相反的, 前者强调世界上没有绝对的道德准则, 任何的东西都要按照情况决定, 后者强调道德有准则, 不管情况怎么改变, 人一定要遵从这些准则.

我就用最近的电影<<风声>>做个解释, 这个电影里, 我们看到日本人不断的严刑逼供, 而地下党员不断地说谎.

在utilitarianism里, 说谎是可以的, 只要说谎能够得到最大的好处, 譬如说地下党撒谎, 保护了其他的党员, 从而保证了抗日的胜利, 而抗日的胜利, 又是对所有中国人都是好的(因为中国人比日本人多), 所以说谎是好的.

在kantism里, 说谎是绝对不好的, 因为人不能说谎, 这是原则, 按照KANT的一个论点, 就是中文的"己所不欲, 勿施于人", 也就是你如果不想别人对你说谎, 那么你也不要对别人说谎.  换句话说, 哪天抓到一个日本鬼子, 你也拷问他, 你肯定希望日本鬼子透露你要的信息; 他不说, 那么就会对你不利. 为了那一天的到来, 所以今天我们被日本鬼子逮到了, 我们也不能说谎! 这就是KANT这个貌似古怪的理论的实质, 在做任何事情, 想一想, 别人在这种情况下, 会不会象我们这样做, 如果会, 就做, 不会,就不做.

累了, 明天再写.


the main principle: the right action is the action that creates the greatest amount of happiness for all people concerned compared to all other alternative actions.

impartial: the theory treats everybody's pleasure equally.

People concerned: the theory requires us to consider all people affected by our actions.

consequences: the theory is interested in consequences of an action or its alternatives in different contexts.

the first drawback of the theory: it is difficult to calculate the long-term consequence and the immediate consequence.

the second drawback of the theory: too often, the theory requires people to accept harm for the pleasure gained.

我举个例子, 譬如说有一些公司歧视休产假的女员工, 在她们回来之后减少她们的福利和薪水, 这种行为如果 用utilitarianism分析:

the main principle: we should figure out whether the policy can create the maximum amount of happiness for all people concerned if the company chooses to reduce the benefits and salaries of those employees who come back from maternity leave?

impartial: everybody's happiness is the same, employees, shareholders, managers, customers, suppliers, and the public.

People concerned: female employees who earn less than before are apparently people affected by the policy. these employees' family, including their husbands and babies, are also affected. the company's shareholders are also affected because the organisation has less spending on wages and salaries. Meanwhile, we can also assume that if the company is successful in cost control, it might be able to provide service at a lower cost, so customers can be benefited.

consequences: in the short term, female employees and their family suffer, but in the long term, there might be more negative consequences. for example, women who have competencies would not choose to work for this company because they have heard that the company does not treat female employees well.

the first drawback of the theory: as discussed above.

the second drawback of the theory: so even though more people will benefit from the policy than those who suffer from the policy,  does it mean that female employees' suffering and their family's suffering are acceptable if other people are happy?

希望这样写能够帮助大家理解, 有问题可以提问.

在选择ARTICLE的时候, 一定要注意选择那些比较有争议性的话题, 而不是一边倒的话题.
一些公司专门制作一些广告针对小孩, 强迫父母买一些产品, (好象促销也无可非议, 但是针对没有判断能力的儿童又不是很道德)
一些公司专门雇佣一些留学生, 年轻人工作, 不支付加班费, 或者加长他们的工作时间(虽然为年轻人提供就业机会, 但是仿佛同时有剥削劳动力的嫌疑)
一些公司, 譬如说超市, 一些马上就要到期的食物, 还摆出来卖, 顾客一不留意, 就会买到快过期的食物(顾客需要看日期, 但是公司仿佛利用顾客的粗心来赚钱)
一些电子公司, 虽然许诺免费修理或者换零件, 但是很多时候, 却是将二手的零件换上去(电器公司本来就没有许诺一定要换新的零件, 虽然顾客经常以为换的是新零件)
很多商店, 都许诺不好的商品, 可以REFUND, 但是却在RECEIPT的上面, 用小字标明REFUND有条件限制.

Kantism, 讨论这个理论的时候, 大家要踩准下面一些点:
Kantism defines an action as right or wrong and disregards consequences of the action
Kantism argues that one should act from duty and act from principle, so the action will have moral worth.
Kantism believes that people have inclination to do something but duty can give them a good guideline.
the first categorical imperative is "act only acording to that maxim by which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law". (己所不欲, 勿施于人)
the second categorical imperative is "act in such a way that you always treat humanity, where in your own person, or in the person of any other, never simply as a means, but always at the same time as an end." (不能够牺牲别人来满足自己的目的)
One major criticism of kantism is that it totally ignores persons' emotions. (譬如说地下党员说谎的时候, 我们不是赞扬, 而是批评, 这样我们会快乐吗? 我们难道不同情那些为了革命而牺牲自己生命的人? )
another criticism is that it is not easy to find a universal law. (譬如说体罚, 在中国人们觉得很正常, 甚至是好的, 而在新西兰, 则是被谴责的. 我们很难说体罚违反了世界的一个法则.)

讨论的时候, 可以把这些点一个个列出来,然后用你们自己选择的CASE来讨论, 永远记得, 你论述的能力和质量决定了你的分数, 老师并不看你抄理论抄得多么好.

Virtue ethics
这是亚历士多德的理论, 亚翁认为, 追崇美德的人生是快乐的人生(the life of virtue is a happy life)
亚翁也认为, 一个人是否具备美德, 要看他/她的行为, 要看他/她自己的道德判断, 这是所谓的first-person approach, 而之前我们说过的两个理论, 都是强调一个人去学习道德规则, 然后再去应用, 那是third-person approach.(这一点一定要踩准, 得分点.)
譬如说, 我手里有一碗饭, 这碗饭只能救活一个人, 要么是我的孩子, 要么是我邻居的孩子, 那么这碗饭给谁呢?
在这种情况下, UTILITALIANISM不能给出答案, 因为人的快乐是平等的, 我自己的孩子和我邻居的孩子同等重要.
KANTISM可能倾向于把饭留给邻居的孩子, 因为无私是一个普世原则.
在VIRTUE ETHICS, 很难得出结论. 因为你把饭给了邻居的孩子, 为了自己的美名而让自己的孩子饿死, 这也不是美德.
Virtue ethics的两大缺点,
provide no guidance for action because it focuses on virtues only.
some virtues are in conflict.
譬如说我和我的同事A是极好的朋友, 同事A说同事B的坏话, 并要求我帮忙散播这些坏话, 很明显, 一方面, 我要对同事A忠诚, loyalty is a virtue;另外一方面, 我却发现这些坏话事实上是谎言, honesty is another virtue. 那么这个时候怎么办呢? virtue ethics不能给出任何的答案.
又譬如说一个女人有了外遇, 要和丈夫离婚. 那么大家都说这个女人不守妇道, 是的, 一方面, 人要对婚姻忠诚, 那是 loyalty; 然而,另外一方面, 人也有追求快乐的权利, 不爱一个人, 却要和这个人一起生活, 这也是一种不诚实;这个时候, loyalty and honesty are once again in conflict, virtue ethics不能给出任何的答案.
说完这几个理论, 我们不难发现, 理论不是真理, 只是引导我们去思维. 这也是做ETHICS 作业的一个重要原则, 不要执着于对或者错, 世界的对错都是相对的. 关键是怎么去应用理论, 怎么去进行论述. 只要你的推理得当, 理论理解正确, 表达清楚,就是B以上的作业.
作者: 顾家北    时间: 2010-4-9 14:27:50

about the MBR essay

the requirement is about using five theories.
the length is 1,000 words.
given the length, it is impossible to to fully discuss all theories in detail.
therefore, the explanation of theories should be concise, while the application of theories is of importance.

the discussion of each issue, I recommend, follows the following structure.
fact (from case scenario)  concise
theory (from textbook or any other source) concise
how the theory applies in the case,  in detail
recommendation.  (cite the theory again) concise

hope it helps.
作者: 155029    时间: 2010-4-9 21:26:42

作者: pavilion    时间: 2010-4-11 12:27:19

作者: huoxuhaihao    时间: 2010-4-12 13:50:38

作者: 顾家北    时间: 2010-4-12 14:00:23

39# huoxuhaihao

yes, proofreading is not simply about grammar but also about your points, line of argument.
50-70 dollars per thousand words.
作者: 顾家北    时间: 2010-4-12 14:03:38

about current issues in financial accounting

the students should answer these questions:

what are the objectives of NZ financial reporting framework? (1-2 paragraphs)
why externally acquired intangible assets are recognised? (2 paragraphs)
why internally generated intangible assets are normally not recognised (3 paragraphs)
are there situations in which internally generated intangbiel assets should be recognised? (3 paragraphs)

the articles provided by the lecturer are quite useful. read them and identify useful points.

then expand these points with information you gain from other sources, (such as E-journal).
作者: 顾家北    时间: 2010-4-15 00:20:45

about BIM report.

this report appears to be easier than those in previous semesters, because it requires the analysis of one company only.

you might use NZtext or some companies' annual report to get information about the tourist industry.

to the best of my knowledge, NZ economy is recovering, although still fragile.

the number of tourists to NZ, especially those from australia, has increased (because of appreciated Aussie)

you might also use NZ statistics to support your findings.

you might be expected to discuss more in the accounting section.

bear in mind that the purpose of the report is to give investment advice.   so don't forget to give your advice in conclusions and recommendations.
作者: 天使等同恶魔    时间: 2010-4-21 18:18:37

如果我先写好ESSAY, 请你辅导,可以要求你帮我改到B以上这样的要求吗
作者: 隐君子    时间: 2010-4-21 22:11:13

本帖最后由 隐君子 于 2010-4-21 21:12 编辑

it is not easy to get a B......
作者: 顾家北    时间: 2010-4-23 12:19:11

43# 天使等同恶魔

nobody can guarantee B
but my clients get an average of B.

it does not mean that everybody gets B.
作者: 顾家北    时间: 2010-4-23 12:25:21

本帖最后由 顾家北 于 2010-4-23 11:39 编辑

For the case scenario given by the lecturer for this exam, I suppose that it is more likely to test the theory of "virtue ethics".
For those who attended last night's tutorial, I am sorry i did not elaborate on the fourth case scenario, so today i put more information about this. hopefully it can help you get an insight into "Virtue Ethics".

Our nature, the nature of humans allows all kinds of behaviour. I mean every one of us under some circumstances could be a gas chamber attendant and a saint. Depends on all sorts of things.

according to virtue ethics, people are born with different natural tendencies. some natural tendencies are positive. for example, we have the nature of being compassionate, altruistic and also sympathetic.
some natural tendencies are negative. for example, we are selfish, aggressive and violent in nature.
that's why in the case, one can be a gas chamber attendant or a saint.

These things are not written in your genes. And the people are, have a fundamental moral nature. I don’t doubt that like if you see a starving child and you can steal food from him and there’s no policeman around very few people would do it. If they would do it they’re really pathological. I mean there’s some pathological extremes. But ordinarily, people wouldn’t behave like that.

They do behave like that on a massive scale, massive scale. But they’re unaware of it and there’s a huge indoctrination system designed to make them unaware of it. And even to make them think that the starving child is stealing from them so we’re the victims. That’s what propaganda and regimentation are all about. And it sort of works and it erodes the moral character. It prevents you from looking at what you yourself are doing, or what your leaders are doing. And worry about somebody else. You see that all the time.

according to virtue ethics, one's character development can be affected by a number of factors, such as "leader", the society they grew up, education (such as indoctrination system and propaganda). therefore, sometimes, people behave in a specific manner (doing bad things) because of the influence of these external factors. these factors have pressured them to behave in one way rather than the other.

… So the people can be very moral. But they’re acting within institutional structures, constructed systems in which only certain options are easy to pursue. Others are very hard to pursue.

That’s one drawback of virtue ethics. We blame or praise virtuous agents for their behaviours, but in fact, sometimes, their behaviours are not under their control. Yes, virtuous persons are expected to act consistently according to moral principles and virtues. However, sometimes, they fail to receive help and encouragement they need to attain moral maturity.
For example, in World War II, many German soldiers participated in slaughtering of Jewish people, even though this behaviour was against their nature.

on other occasions, of course, when they receive encouragement and they are put in a right environment, they can always rely on the practice of wisdom and judgement to get moral excellence. this can take one life to achieve.

a good example is that in New Zealand, i have never tried to jump the queue. but in China, i always did that, although i hated doing that.
作者: 顾家北    时间: 2010-4-23 19:37:43

about the second case scenario,
if utilitarianism's drawback is discussed, (e.g., accept harm for the happiness gained)

it is clear that those women who accept income (happiness) while having to work long hours (pain).
作者: cibi    时间: 2010-4-26 22:36:06

作者: 顾家北    时间: 2010-4-30 12:15:34

about 416612

it is quite clear from the textbook that the director is personally liable if he/she commits a deceit, gives misleading or fraudulent statement and also fails to perform a duty of care.
however, in giving negligence, the director might be not personally liable if not assuming any personal responsibility.
作者: Ardell假睫毛    时间: 2010-5-7 00:51:03

本帖最后由 Ardell假睫毛 于 2010-5-6 23:52 编辑
很多学生以为整个文章布满INTEXT REFERENCES,就是好文章, 未必. 老师即便没有证据证明你是抄袭, 也不会给好的分数. 3 e, l0 @' f! k% t3 B1 Z9 H
! t9 D* m0 m2 a# D3 l
事实上, 所谓避免TURNITIN, 巧用资源写自己的文章, 不是一个难事. 顾家北 发表于 2009-8-7 19:07

我觉得这不是绝对的,要看作业的要求,例如要求的是research report,不能带入自己的观点,那这种文章一般都是布满references,所以还是要看具体要求是什么。
作者: 日不落的爱情    时间: 2010-5-13 18:41:39

so a u familiar with the AUT ETHICS part after week 7 (socila contract, distribution justice,capitalism...?)
作者: 顾家北    时间: 2010-5-18 22:35:47

本帖最后由 顾家北 于 2010-5-18 21:50 编辑

about current issues in accounting

i have to admit that this assignment is unreasonably hard (harder than previous semesters), concerning the weight of each section, i have following suggestions.

a.        Article descriptors (title, journal, authors and date) and the accounting topic covered. (50 words)
b.        Objectives of the study reported  (50 words)
c.        Bodies of literature drawn on  (200-300 words)
d.        The articles research design  (50 words)
e.        The articles main findings   (400-500 words)
f.        Implications of the study for accounting theory and practice (600-700 words)

you might use more than 8 references in the whole review.

with regard to the articles, personally i think that the 2nd one is the hardest. the 3rd one is not valuable for this paper(i have no idea why the paper coordinator chose this paper, showing that he is bookish?)  the fourth one is easy, and it is covered in the week 9. the first and the fifth cover various topics, such as governance, full disclosure, creative accounting. the final one is also covered in the week 9, but the language is slightly ambiguous and unintelligible.

Arnold, P. (2009). Global financial crisis: the challenge to accounting research. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 34: 803-809.

Baldvinsdottir, G., Burns, J., Norreklit, H.  & Scapens, R. (2009). The image of accountants: from bean counters to extreme accountants.  Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal. 22(6): 858-882.

Cooper, C. (1992). The non and nom of accounting for (m)other nature. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability, 5(3): 16- 39.

Gray, R., Walters, D., Bebbington, J. & Thompson, I. (1995).  The greening of enterprise: an exploration of the (non) role of environmental accounting and environmental accountants in organizational change. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 6: 211-239.

Sikka, P. & Hampton, M. (2005). The role of accountancy firms in tax avoidance: some evidence and issues. Accounting Forum, 29(3):325-343.

Tinker, T., Lehman, C. & Neimark, M. (1991). Falling down the hole in the middle of the road: Political quietism in corporate social reporting. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 4(2): 28-54.
作者: 顾家北    时间: 2010-5-18 22:40:36

about ethics, in this sunday's tutorial, i will cover the following issues:

1. the relevant chapters and main ideas
2. what these topics mean
3. what to write for each topic
4. how to write a good ethics essay

the tutorial is around 2 hours or slightly longer.
作者: 顾家北    时间: 2010-5-23 01:14:52

about the selection of topics in ethics

topic one, personally i recommend that you do not touch it. it is complex and also related to a company's background information. i have no time to get the insight into this company.

topic two, the second hardest. it is mainly about capitalism/socialism, social responsibility

topic three, easy, information is available in the reading pact.. in fact, the reading material gives an answer to the essay question. you can identify it if you read it carefully.

topic four, easy, if you cannot finish the essay by discussing Nozick's theory only, you might discuss capitalism/socialism as well.  i don't think libertarian model is readily achievable.

see your guys tomorrow.
作者: gristin    时间: 2010-5-26 01:42:04

请问可以谈一下写475130的40%的ESSAY(RECESSION OR CLIMATE CHANGE)的注意事项吗吗?为什么很多人包括本地学生都FAIL了?
作者: 顾家北    时间: 2010-5-26 09:49:02

55# gristin

is it the globalisation essay?
作者: 真之关公    时间: 2010-5-26 11:16:20

顾家北, 我在背后听了有关于你“毛手毛脚”。 不管是真还是假,我暂不做判断,但是就告诉你注意一下。


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作者: 顾家北    时间: 2010-5-26 11:28:19

57# 真之关公
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