What items are banned or restricted on Skykiwi?
You may only sell items in your possession that you are legally entitled to sell.
Banned Items
Below is a list of items which you are not allowed to sell on Skykiwi:
* Alcohol
* VCDs
* Tobacco
* Medical devices
* Offensive weapons
* Forgery (including jewelry, clothing ,purse.)
* Cigarette or nicotine replacements (including e-cigarettes or products intended for use as a nicotine replacement.)
* Copyrighted items and content
* Recreational drugs
* Uniforms for NZ emergency services
* Backup or copied software, CDRs or DVDRs
Restricted Items
Below is a list of items that you can sell but are restricted on Skykiwi:
* Food
All food sold on the site must be produced in a registered premises or under an approved food safety programme or registered risk management programme. It must also comply with food labelling and standards requirements.
* Movies and games
You may only list classifiable movies and games for sale if they carry the correct New Zealand classification sticker. When listing these items for sale, you must include the New Zealand classification rating and all information on the classification label.
The sale of these publications is covered by the Films, Videos and Publications Classification Act 1993.
For more information visit the Office of Film and literature Classification website: http://www.censorship.govt.nz/作者: MaxPower 时间: 2011-9-19 14:45:01